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Winter Weather Policy for Natural Neighbors

A Winter Weather Policy is new to us! So…our current policy as noted below is a “working” policy and we may need to make adjustments when actual weather happens. Please let us know if you have questions.

1) We will follow 4J’s plan when the school district cancels school due to snow/ice, dangerous roads, or other issues that make travel unsafe. Natural Neighbors will be cancelled when 4J cancels.

2) If 4J has a late start, we will run Natural Neighbors for the day.

3) Because we have access to indoor heated space in our yurt starting at 3:45 pm, we will not cancel Natural Neighbors due to low temperatures, but please be sure to dress your children for cold weather as appropriate.

4) We will not be offering credits or refunds for Winter Weather cancellations as these cancellations are safety-related and come as a part of agreeing to participate in an all outdoor, all weather program.

Updated 1-15-24